Tag Archives: bats

New Tours in the Works!

I have some great new trips coming up in 2013 – be sure to check under Tours for more information.

Batwatch Nicaragua II – Co-led with Rob Mies of the Organization for Bat Conservation (go to www.batconservation.org for details), we return to Refugio Bartola, this time in dry season (yay!). Trip dates are  February 24- March 4, 2013.  We will visit Masaya Volcano and catch bats emerging from lava tubes, then spend 6 nights at the rustic but comfortable Refugio Bartola. The food is great, the forest is better! We totalled 40 bat species in the same amount of time in 2011, and we will also see monkeys, opossums, and numerous birds.  Our trip will help local biologists develop their bat and small mammal species lists. See report on new post!

Pantanal, Brazil – One of my all-time favorite destinations, this general nature tour will take us to the Northern Pantanal, where the abundance and diversity of birds, mammals and reptiles is astounding. This trip is scheduled for June 30 to July 13 2013, when temperatures are cooler and the dry season is under way. We’ll also go to the Chapada de Guimaraes, where we may see the elusive Harpy Eagle. First departure SOLD OUT. Second departure July 12 to July 25, 2013, 4 spaces available.

SpainAll-new tour! A colleague has invited me to bring a group of mammal enthusiasts to tour Spain, in search of Iberian Lynx, European Wolf, Cantabrian Brown Bear, and other species. The tour runs from September 20 to October 5, 2013, the best dates for mammal-watching. Not only large mammals will be sought out, but also small species including the fascinating Desman and a variety of bats. In addition to mammals, the areas we visit are rich in bird life, butterflies and many other creatures. One ROOM AVAILABLE and one shared room with female as of  February 2013.
I also have several trips that may take place in 2014 but I need to hear from YOU to know which ones will be popular. Please check under tours for a listing.


I went to Thailand in September, mostly because I wanted to see and draw from life the Bumblebee Bat (world’s smallest) and the Painted Bat (arguably world’s prettiest). Both of these bats I had already painted for the Golden Guide to Bats of the World, and I really don’t like to draw an animal I’ve never seen… so I set off with 6 Brits for a bat adventure, followed by a few days in two national parks with two of the same British group.

Thailand was great. An excellent place to visit for wildlife, bats, Buddhas and more. the scenery is awesome, the food good (though I have to say not quite as good as I expected!) and the bats are really impressive.

Last but not least, my Paint Bat painting:

Last but not least, my Painted Bat painting