Tag Archives: amazon

New trips, new contact info

Greetings from the Canadian Winter! The worst for a long time.
I have a new email: it is a gmail.com account, starting with fiona.reid7243

I have some great trips coming up, please check under Tours for details:

2014 Amazon River tour with OBC. Feb 21-Mar 04. Bats will be the emphasis, but we will also see some rare primates, river dolphins, Hoatzin and other wildlife, big and small. Feburary – March.

2014 Nicaragua. March 15-22. Great location with wonderful outings to see nature in all its glory in NIcaragua. Almost sold out!

2015 Sri Lanka. Jan 11- 25. Our last trip was astounding – 61 species of mammals seen in the wild, including all the cats! Returning in January with a small group.

2015 South Africa. March. Special adventure to search out Aardvark, Aardwolf, Black-footed Cat and much more. March.