Southern Pantanal and Emas National Park
Our trip also includes 4 nights at the diverse and exciting Emas National Park. Not only do we have a chance of seeing the tiny Pampas Cat (and possibly other cats) nad numerous birds, mammals and reptiles, but our trip also coincides with an incredible spectacle: the bioluminescence. This results from female click beetles laying their eggs in termite mound cavities, and as the young hatch, they glow with a bright green light. This attracts flying termites to eat them. November is the best month for warmer, more humid condition ideal of observing the mounds glowing like city lights.
Please join me and excellent bilingual Brazilian guide Regina Ribeiro on this great Brazilian adventure with outstanding wildlife views and photographic opportunities. For more information please email fiona.reid7243 at
Dates: October 31 to November 12, 2018
Cost: $5,950.00 US from Campo Grande
Group Size: 6
This was an astounding trip. Here is a testimonial from one of the participants:
I always try to travel with a future girlfriend if my schedule permits, one of whom is Fiona Reid, a remarkable person. A great illustrator, and writer, a well-schooled naturalist, but more important to me, a great travel companion. She organizes small trips to unique locations. One such trip was during November 2018 to the southern Pantanal and Cerrado region of Matto Grosso do Sul in Brazil. Besides a great mix of birds we were also targeting mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and anything else we encountered.
I have been on at least six forays with Fiona, and the Brazil 2018 trip was typical of her adventures – well organized, good company, good food, good accommodations, and plenty of wildlife opportunities. When she can she works with local partners, and you get a chance to see amazing research like the Giant Armadillo project at one location on this trip. If possible she also likes to mist net bats, and search for rats, but don’t hold this against her. She has an amazing knowledge of these critters. Photographers should not fear- there are plenty of opportunities for taking pictures on her trips.
In closing I add “For a good natural time contact Fiona Reid’s Wildlife Encounters.” George J., Maryland