Field Guide Plates

Many of my original field guide plates are available for sale. Prints (11 x 14 in) are also available of selected plates

Peterson Field Guide to Mammals of North America

6 Medium-sized Ground Squirrels $ 400
5 Large Ground Squirrels $ 400
5 Large Ground Squirrels $ 400

5 Large Ground Squirrels $ 400

6 Medium-sized Ground Squirrels $ 400

24 Rice, Cotton and House Rats  $ 400

26 Voles of the Northwest $ 400

29 Eastern Rabbits $ 400

30 Northern Hares and Jackrabbits $ 500

24 Rice and Cotton Rats $ 400

42 Elk and Introduced Deer $ 400

Northern Hare
30  Northern Hares and Jackrabbits $500

A Field Guide to the  Mammals of Central America and Southeast Mexico

20 Large Northern Squirrels $ 400

21 Large Southern Squirrels $ 500

22 Smaller Squirrels $ 400

25 Shrews and Small Terrestrial Mice $ 400

28 Rice Rats $ 400

29 Short-tailed and Semi-aquatic Rats $ 400

31 Large Rats $ 400

34 Rabbits and Hare $ 400

35 Canids $ 500

44 Deer $ 400

45 and 46 Manatee and dolphins $ 400 each

47, 48, 49 Cetaceans $ 300 each

Mammals of the Neotropics: The Central Neotropics, Volume 3, by J.F. Eisenberg and K. H . Redford. 1999. Chicago UP

I have some plates still for sale from this book that are quite large and impressive.

18 Peccaries, Camelids and Tapirs $ 500

Please email me for more information (fiona.reid7243 at

2 thoughts on “Field Guide Plates”

  1. Dear Fiona,

    I am 14 and I am also a artist. I was wondering what kind of medium you use in your artwork? Also its pretty cool that you do nature tours. When I grow up I want to be a wildlife biologist that studies the habitats and behaviors of wild animals, and I would like to draw pictures of them too, like you do. I have your Mammals of North America feild guide book and I love it! I think that what you do is kinda like what I want to be. Do you have any tips for me?

    Please write back, thank you

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